Leading in
Hormonal Care Clinic
in Malaysia
We help you to achieve your desired healthy state by treating ‘something’ in your body that we called HORMONES
Patient Reviews
As women reach the age of 40, their hormonal levels will experience a significant decline.

Our Services
Healthy Aging Solutions

Health Screening
Comprehensive evaluations to detect hormonal imbalances affecting overall health
Advance Hormone Blood Test
Hair Analysis
DNA Profilling
InBody Analysis
Iron Screening
Testos-Men Hormone Screening
Weight Loss Program
Customized plans focusing on hormonal regulation to aid in effective weight management
Hormone Screening 4Weight Loss
Skyhill Healthy Weight Loss Journey

Obsteric & Gynaecology
Specialized care in female reproductive health, including hormonal treatments related to pregnancy and menstruation
Women Wellness Package
Full Ultrasound
Vagina Tightening Laser
Targeted therapy to address hormonal issues causing iron deficiency or related disorders
Nutritional IV Therapy
Iron IV Therapy
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Why Are We Different, Why You Should Choose Us
Why Are We Different,
Why You Should Choose Us
We Focus On
Treating Root Cause

We prioritize identifying and addressing the underlying source or main reason behind your health concern and problems, rather than just alleviating the symptoms.
Tailored Treatment Plan

We recognize that each person's hormonal needs are unique, and they aim to address specific imbalances or deficiencies accordingly with a better tailored treatment plan suit to your needs
Hormone Evaluation

We offer a more, thorough evaluation of hormonal health. We utilize specialized laboratory tests and assessments to measure hormone levels and identify imbalances more accurately
Positive Review From Our Clients
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Pengenalan kepada Hormon Estrogen Apakah itu Hormon Estrogen? Estrogen adalah sejenis hormon yang memainkan peranan penting dalam sistem pembiakan wanita dan kesihatan wanita. Ia dihasilkan terutamanya oleh ovari, tetapi juga oleh kelenjar adrenal dan tisu lemak dalam jumlah yang lebih kecil. Hormon ini bertanggungjawab terhadap perkembangan seksual dan fungsi pembiakan wanita. Peranan Utama Hormon Estrogen […]
Hormon estrogen adalah salah satu hormon utama yang memainkan peranan penting dalam kesihatan wanita. Hormon ini bertanggungjawab untuk perkembangan dan pengawalan sistem pembiakan wanita serta mempengaruhi pelbagai fungsi tubuh lain. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan meneroka secara terperinci mengenai hormon estrogen, bagaimana ia mempengaruhi kesihatan wanita, dan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengawal keseimbangan hormon […]
Hormon kortisol, yang sering dirujuk sebagai hormon stres, adalah hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal. Ia memainkan peranan penting dalam pelbagai fungsi tubuh, termasuk metabolisme, sistem imun, dan tindak balas terhadap stres. Apa Fungsi Utama Hormon Kortisol ? Hormon kortisol membantu mengawal kadar gula dalam darah, mengawal metabolisme lemak, protein, dan karbohidrat, dan mengurangkan keradangan. […]